In 2011

… in 2011, I was faced with a difficult decision I didn’t know then would become so impactful in my well-planned life. I sit here now and can’t help but look back, reminisce, and play this unending game of what-if’s. Days after this photo was taken rolled by quickly and tbh, I did swim against the tide. I fought hard for this dream, and even today, I still continuously do so.

I’d like to take time and thank this clueless but brave (and idealistic) soul who loved truly, wore her heart on her sleeves and trusted fully. Today, I celebrate you. You have fought long and hard. You deserve the world, and nothing less. He knows it, you know it, everybody knows it. And as we embark on this weightless and new journey, I plead that you let your heart rest. You have done well and for the most part, you have done everything that you could. It is time to focus on you and reclaim the life you have been so selflessly giving and giving and giving.
It is okay to rest.

And it is okay to feel.

It is ok to be free.

(and if somehow, this post finds itself to you one day, I’d like you to know, I forgive you now.)


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